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Keep Irving Beautiful, Local Girl Scouts Work Together

Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) welcomed its first group of volunteers in several weeks to participate in a beautification project on May 27 and June 19. Members of Girl Scout Troop 6458 became the first volunteers to join KIB in a service project since the COVID-19 disaster mandates. 


In the first project, scouts and their parents applied a coat of bright safety yellow paint to the bollards surrounding the Parks and Recreation building at 3000 Rock Island Road.  The same group returned on June 19 with parents to complete painting of the bollards, as well as metal safety railings.  The combined effort of these two projects resulted in a total of nine volunteers, 27 hours of service, and a more visually appealing look to the building.


“We have really missed working with our outstanding volunteers over the past two months,” said KIB Board Member Kelly Horn. “Volunteers drive our organization, so it was great to start projects on a small scale as we ease back into a more regular routine of events.  Troop 6458 has been a partner of ours for several years by participating in activities like cleanups and the no-sew blanket project, and we look forward to more projects with them soon.”


Keep Irving Beautiful is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the community about litter abatement, recycling, and beautification to help preserve the health and promote the social and economic prosperity of the city. As an award-winning affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful, Keep Irving Beautiful reaches out to all sectors of the community, including government, businesses, churches, as well as cultural, educational, neighborhood and civic organizations. For more information on volunteering with KIB or making an activity a “green event,” visit or call (972) 721-2175.

2017 KIB Official Logo Color.jpg
Monday, 29 June 2020